New site
Welcome to our new site. There is still much to be done, but there is a new site with all cardsets. To download all cardsets please register. In the download section you can find the new setup files for Cardgames deluxe (6.5.5) and the Cardgames Database (2.5). We will do updates more often in the future.
New cardgames version uploaded
There is a new version of Cardgames Deluxe in the download area. The version number is now 6.5.8. Several bugs are fixed and most of the score system is in place in the Klondike game.
New klondike version
In the download section is a new version of Cardgames Deluxe. Several bugs are fixed and double click is added to the Klondike game.
New cardsets uploaded
There are new cardsets in the cardset area. Some of them are uploaded a while back, but because of my poor health back then I wasn't able to update the news section earlier. The cardsets uploaded are from The Coalabaer, Aryssa, The golden Duo, Minyme and High Octane. Thanks to all cardset creators for their great work. To download the new erotic cardsets, please log in to download them from the cardset download area. The other new cardsets are Carla Faces, Carla glasses, Britney, Vanessa Mae, Twilight, Art from the parks 1, Art form the parks 2, Elfquest, Fantasy cardset, The Fairies, World of warcraft and Beyonce. Sorry Coalabear, that it took this long to add the preview pictures of your cardsets. Great fun with the carsdets and keep an eye on this site for more new cardsets. I will update the site on a regular basis now.
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